Floral Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds

Floral Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds are a versatile choice for interior design, as the floral fabric can create a soft and inviting mood in any room. The benefits of these blinds include easy installation with no hard wiring required, remote control or smart home operation for convenience. The decorative pelmet and cassette options add a stylish touch to the blinds, while also protecting the roller mechanism from wear and tear. Overall, Floral Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds offer both aesthetic appeal and practical functionality for any space.

Explore some other colours check out our Silver Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds, or for another option, why not check out our Childrens Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds

Enjoy browsing through Lifestyle Blinds UK and take advantage of our free sample service so you can see how they look in your home before you buy. Plus, you can benefit from our great customer services and friendly advice. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your windows with our stunning blinds.

35 items
Osier MustardOsier Mustard Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Mustard From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Osier BlueOsier Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Blue From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Wildling DuskWildling Dusk Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Wildling Dusk From £157.10 
Iris SkyIris Sky Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Sky From £157.10 
Wildling AutumnWildling Autumn Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Wildling Autumn From £157.10 
Iris BlushIris Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Blush From £157.10 
Iris CloudIris Cloud Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Cloud From £157.10 
Erio MushroomErio Mushroom Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Erio Mushroom From £116.48 
Wildling SpringWildling Spring Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Wildling Spring From £157.10 
Osier BlushOsier Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Blush From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Osier GreyOsier Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Grey From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Odora GreyOdora Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Odora Grey From £116.48 
Ava WhiteAva White Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ava White From £157.10 
Ava Hint of BlueAva Hint of Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ava Hint of Blue From £157.10 
Ala FuschiaAla Fuschia Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ala Fuschia From £127.68 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Keily GoldKeily Gold Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Keily Gold From £127.68 
Odi MaroonOdi Maroon Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Odi Maroon From £161.18 
Ava CreamAva Cream Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ava Cream From £157.10 
Odi LimeOdi Lime Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Odi Lime From £161.18 
Ava Hint of PinkAva Hint of Pink Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ava Hint of Pink From £157.10 
Ava Hint of GreenAva Hint of Green Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ava Hint of Green From £157.10 
Melia BlushMelia Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Melia Blush From £116.48 
Melia MutedMelia Muted Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Melia Muted From £116.48 
Laurel LimeLaurel Lime Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Laurel Lime From £139.63 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Laurel GreyLaurel Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Laurel Grey From £139.63 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Lilium BlushLilium Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Lilium Blush From £116.48 
Lilium SkyeLilium Skye Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Lilium Skye From £116.48 
Laurel BlushLaurel Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Laurel Blush From £139.63 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Muted Autumn BloomsMuted Autumn Blooms Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Muted Autumn Blooms From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Floral Scatter MustardFloral Scatter Mustard Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Floral Scatter Mustard From £116.48 
Floral Scatter MayaFloral Scatter Maya Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Floral Scatter Maya From £116.48 
Cottage BloomsCottage Blooms Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Cottage Blooms From £116.48 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Evergreen Floral YellowEvergreen Floral Yellow Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Evergreen Floral Yellow From £116.48 
Foliage Finds MutedFoliage Finds Muted Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Foliage Finds Muted From £116.48 
Cottage LakesCottage Lakes Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Cottage Lakes From £116.48 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout