Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds

Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds are a versatile choice for interior design, as grey fabrics can create a calming and sophisticated mood in a room. The benefits of these blinds include easy installation with no hard wiring required, remote control or smart home operation for convenience. The decorative pelmet and cassette options add a stylish touch to the blinds, with the fabric insert matching the overall design scheme. Additionally, the cassette protects the roller mechanism from wear and tear, ensuring longevity and durability. Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds are the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics for any space.

Look at more colours check out our Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds, or for a new feature, why not check out our check out our Linen Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds

Enjoy browsing through Lifestyle Blinds UK and take advantage of our free sample service so you can see how they look in your home before you buy. Plus, you can benefit from our great customer services and friendly advice. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your windows with our stunning blinds.

115 items
Cia IronCia Iron Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Cia Iron From £151.04 
Origin HopsackOrigin Hopsack Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
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Origin Rock GreyOrigin Rock Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
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Wildling DuskWildling Dusk Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
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Koa LemonKoa Lemon Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Koa Lemon From £157.10 
Iris SkyIris Sky Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Sky From £157.10 
Wildling AutumnWildling Autumn Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Wildling Autumn From £157.10 
Iris BlushIris Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Blush From £157.10 
Satin GreySatin Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Satin Grey From £135.15 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Iris CloudIris Cloud Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Iris Cloud From £157.10 
Leaf SteelLeaf Steel Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Leaf Steel From £151.04 
Ivey SmokeIvey Smoke Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ivey Smoke From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Ivey GreyIvey Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ivey Grey From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Origin Light GreyOrigin Light Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Origin Light Grey From £158.31 
Bow SmokeBow Smoke Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Bow Smoke From £116.48 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Grey Sun ScreenGrey Sun Screen Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Grey Sun Screen From £182.94 
sheer-voileSheer & Voile
Dark Grey Sun ScreenDark Grey Sun Screen Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Dark Grey Sun Screen From £182.94 
sheer-voileSheer & Voile
Ami CharcoalAmi Charcoal Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ami Charcoal From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Metallic Stripe CharcoalMetallic Stripe Charcoal Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Metallic Stripe Charcoal From £165.21 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Origin AnthraciteOrigin Anthracite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Origin Anthracite From £158.31 
Erio MushroomErio Mushroom Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Erio Mushroom From £116.48 
Bedtime Midnight GreyBedtime Midnight Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Bedtime Midnight Grey From £160.82 
Shimmer ZincShimmer Zinc Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Shimmer Zinc From £151.04 
Wildling SpringWildling Spring Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Wildling Spring From £157.10 
Aqua Weave GraphiteAqua Weave Graphite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Aqua Weave Graphite From £151.04 
Osier BlushOsier Blush Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Blush From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Osier GreyOsier Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Osier Grey From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Moru WildlifeMoru Wildlife Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Moru Wildlife From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Arlo GreyArlo Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Arlo Grey From £116.48 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Odora GreyOdora Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Odora Grey From £116.48 
Aqua Weave SteelAqua Weave Steel Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Aqua Weave Steel From £151.04 
Ivey StoneIvey Stone Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ivey Stone From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Aspen SilverAspen Silver Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Aspen Silver From £116.48 
Striation Solar IronStriation Solar Iron Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Striation Solar Iron From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Weave Blackout SteelWeave Blackout Steel Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Blackout Steel From £135.15 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Ribbon Solar PewterRibbon Solar Pewter Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Ribbon Solar Pewter From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Odi MaroonOdi Maroon Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Odi Maroon From £161.18 
Pinn PearlPinn Pearl Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Pinn Pearl From £157.10 
Mirage Solar GreyMirage Solar Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Mirage Solar Grey From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Eden Graphite GreyEden Graphite Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Eden Graphite Grey From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Shower Safe Light GreyShower Safe Light Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Shower Safe Light Grey From £144.98 
Cameron GraphiteCameron Graphite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Cameron Graphite From £151.04 
Montana GraphiteMontana Graphite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Montana Graphite From £157.10 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Cameron ShadowCameron Shadow Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Cameron Shadow From £151.04 
Shower Safe GraniteShower Safe Granite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Shower Safe Granite From £144.98 
Linen Shadow GreyLinen Shadow Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Linen Shadow Grey From £151.04 
Luxe Stone GreyLuxe Stone Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Stone Grey From £116.48 
Luxe ConcreteLuxe Concrete Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Concrete From £116.48 