With their deep sapphire tone, the Velvet Peacock Electric Roller Blinds are a statement of luxury in every room. These velvet-inspired electric roller blinds have a super soft texture and a teal colour that contrasts with neutrals and compliments maximalist homes too. Each made-to-measure blind fits your windows to perfection with a lithium battery discreetly hidden in the top rai. This allows you to control light, privacy and temperature using your brand-new remote control roller blinds. Plus, a free 3-year guarantee and full installation instructions mean you'll have them up and in full working order in no time.
Click on the link for more Motorised Roller Blinds info
Click on the links below for measuring and fitting instructions.
Measuring Instructions: Fitting Instructions:Velvet Peacock Electric Roller Blind
With their deep sapphire tone, the Velvet Peacock Electric Roller Blinds are a statement of luxury in every room. These velvet-inspired electric roller blinds have a super soft texture and a teal colour that contrasts with neutrals and compliments maximalist homes too. Each made-to-measure blind fits your windows to perfection with a lithium battery discreetly hidden in the top rai. This allows you to control light, privacy and temperature using your brand-new remote control roller blinds. Plus, a free 3-year guarantee and full installation instructions mean you'll have them up and in full working order in no time.
Click on the link for more Motorised Roller Blinds info
Click on the links below for measuring and fitting instructions.
Measuring Instructions: Fitting Instructions: