Electric Pelmet Roller Blinds

The electric pelmet roller blind comes with a sleek top cassette that covers the roll and workings, giving a clean look. The cassette can be fabric-covered or exposed to aluminum. The electric battery operation allows you to easily raise and lower the blind with the touch of a button. This offers convenience, as you don't have to manually pull any cords. The battery power also means no unsightly power cords are needed. This creates a streamlined look that keeps your windows uncluttered. If you looking for a manual pelmet roller blind check out the range.

371 items
Luxe IrisLuxe Iris Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Iris From £116.48 
Luxe CalicoLuxe Calico Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Calico From £116.48 
Luxe SpringLuxe Spring Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Spring From £116.48 
Luxe Stone GreyLuxe Stone Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Stone Grey From £116.48 
Luxe RedcurrantLuxe Redcurrant Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Redcurrant From £116.48 
Luxe TealLuxe Teal Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Teal From £116.48 
Luxe Dark BlueLuxe Dark Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Dark Blue From £116.48 
Luxe Smokey BlueLuxe Smokey Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Smokey Blue From £116.48 
Luxe ConcreteLuxe Concrete Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Concrete From £116.48 
Electric Blinds Benefits
Luxe CopperLuxe Copper Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Copper From £116.48 
Lumi SilverLumi Silver Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Lumi Silver From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Oscil GreyOscil Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Oscil Grey From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Oscil OrangeOscil Orange Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Oscil Orange From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Weave FlaxWeave Flax Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Flax From £123.20 
Madre IronMadre Iron Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Madre Iron From £116.48 
Blackout Thermic BlackBlackout Thermic Black Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Blackout Thermic Black From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Lumi ChampagneLumi Champagne Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Lumi Champagne From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Oscil BrownOscil Brown Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Oscil Brown From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Blackout Thermic StoneBlackout Thermic Stone Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Blackout Thermic Stone From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Madre AngoraMadre Angora Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Madre Angora From £116.48 
Blackout Thermic CreamBlackout Thermic Cream Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Blackout Thermic Cream From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Madre SnowdropMadre Snowdrop Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Madre Snowdrop From £116.48 
Blackout Thermic Optic WhiteBlackout Thermic Optic White Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Blackout Thermic Optic White From £123.20 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Luxe PearlLuxe Pearl Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Pearl From £116.48 
Luxe GreyLuxe Grey Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Grey From £116.48 
Luxe MarinaLuxe Marina Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Marina From £116.48 
Luxe BiscottiLuxe Biscotti Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Biscotti From £116.48 
Luxe VanillaLuxe Vanilla Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Vanilla From £116.48 
Luxe TaupeLuxe Taupe Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Taupe From £116.48 
Asteroid GraphiteAsteroid Graphite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Asteroid Graphite From £116.48 
Weave Blackout CreamWeave Blackout Cream Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Blackout Cream From £135.15 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Weave CharcoalWeave Charcoal Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Charcoal From £123.20 
Weave IronWeave Iron Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Iron From £123.20 
Weave SandWeave Sand Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Sand From £123.20 
Weave MoonstoneWeave Moonstone Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Moonstone From £123.20 
Luxe BlackLuxe Black Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Black From £116.48 
Lumi BlueLumi Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Lumi Blue From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Luxe AnthraciteLuxe Anthracite Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Anthracite From £116.48 
Luxe Glacier BlueLuxe Glacier Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Glacier Blue From £116.48 
Luxe FogLuxe Fog Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Fog From £116.48 
Luxe Blue HazeLuxe Blue Haze Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Blue Haze From £116.48 
Nordic Solar SilverNordic Solar Silver Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Nordic Solar Silver From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Luxe IronLuxe Iron Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Iron From £116.48 
Asteroid PearlAsteroid Pearl Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Asteroid Pearl From £116.48 
Mirage Solar PewterMirage Solar Pewter Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Mirage Solar Pewter From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Mirage Solar Dark BlueMirage Solar Dark Blue Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Mirage Solar Dark Blue From £123.20 
thermal-translucentThermal Translucent
Weave Blackout SandWeave Blackout Sand Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Weave Blackout Sand From £135.15 
thermal-blackoutThermal Blackout
Luxe SkyLuxe Sky Electric Pelmet Roller Blind
Luxe Sky From £116.48 

The electric pelmet roller blind comes with a sleek top cassette that covers the roll and workings, giving a clean look. The cassette can be fabric-covered or exposed aluminum to match your décor. Powered by a rechargeable battery, this blind allows you to conveniently raise and lower it with the touch of a button. No pulling on cords required! The cordless design also enhances child safety compared to blinds with dangling cords. With no unsightly power cords, the streamlined electric blind keeps your windows clutter-free.

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